Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pembarisan Tamat Latihan Tentera Darat

12 Sept 2015.

It was a memorable moment for my brother. As he had finished his training as army. I'm so proud of him as he the one continued my late father's wish. Just to came this memorable day, I had been through too tired journey. Huhu. Its started on 11 Sept 2015. On that particular day, I had to work. Seem I'm still under probation so no leave yet to be provided. If not I had to take for unpaid leave. So on that day, morning my sister had took me to work. She will use my car to fetch my little bro and mum. Then, fetch me at 1730 before straight to Port Dickson.

At first, I was driving from Penang to R&R Gunung Semanggol, before my brother in law took my place. I'm started to get headache and wanted to vomit. This disease been swirling around my life recently. Might probably due to power of my glasses. Haih. All so fu**ep up. LOL! From there, I am just sleeping without caring what happened around me. Until at one point, Hentian Sebelah Ulu Bernam I supposed too, I had changed the place with my brother in law.

Last time, we came to PD, we were took road via ELITE if I'm not mistaken, but this time I'm trying to go thru KL. Everything went well, until when nearly to PD, I was mess up. I went to the wrong exit. Haihh. Its took about 1 hour plus to get back to PD. Force me to take 'jalan lama'. Really challenging indeed. We had arrived at PD about 12 AM. Duh, really tiring. Not end yet the miserable life when we need to find for place to stay. Haih.

At first place, I had booked some nice chalet. Got help from my cousin, Fiza. Quite cheap and comfortable, as we been there before. But unfortunately, that chalet not available at that day. So damn yeah we have to look a new one. And yeah again, we didn't book earlier made us to go through all the tiredness.

About 1 AM, after went to one by one hotel or motel, at last we found place at some place named Sunshine Resort. To be frank, that place is too creepy to stay indeed. But when we think about our tired body, I don't care anymore. Just only to stay and rest for about 4 to 5 hours. I even didn't ate, just snack and light food only. My head so hurt, and my body so tired. My sister and her husband then went to buy food for us. Me? After my bath, I just straight went for sleep. So damn tired of me. Working then drive to come along to PD.

I was awake after my mother wake me up about 5.30 AM. Oh gosh, how I wanted to ignore and keep sleep until afternoon. But I simply cannot to do that. LOL! We started to get busy then as that day, 12th September, the important day for my brother. We had arrived at Kem PUSASDA about 7 AM. What a big crowd there. We can't managed to park inside the Kem as they had closed the main entrance. Damn! LOL!

All the way from front to the field, pheww its took quite a time to arrive, Each families bring own foods, some more 'tikar'. Haih we didn't prepared at all. Just only bring 'ketupat', 'serunding' and cheese cake for my brother. Hahaha. At the earlier morning, I had ate fried rice where my sister bought it yesterday. My head getting hurt more rather than yesterday. My stomach was not so well too. I think I might vomit soon. I shall prepare my plastic indeed if that case.

My instinct were right, About 11 AM plus when everyone was busy looking at the 'pembarisan' at the field, I was vomit. LOL! Luckily I had hold my plastic all the time. Its truly hurt. My throat. The fried rice! Hello! Looks like he waving at me. Hahahaha! But then my head become on off. Its sometime good, sometimes not. About nearly to 12 PM, then my brother appeared in front of us. So dark of him. Hahahaha! But i think he had became more matured indeed. I'm so proud of him. No doubt.

How mature he was. So proud!!

Our small family. Miss my late father and Qaseh :(

We started went back to KL about 2 PM. As my mother really want to go GM Klang. so we went there first. My head still hurt like hell. Oh what a day. Most of the time my brother in law drove us back. Ahh thank gosh, I had backup driver for that.

We had arrived at Kedah, my house about 11 PM plus. So tiring. Straight to bathroom and clean up myself. So refreshing indeed. How I miss so much my dear bed. Hahahaha!

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