Thursday, September 24, 2015

I am myself

It's just.

Haih. Supposedly as a Muslim, you should praying. 

Asking for forgiveness. Beg for His rahmat. To help you. How to live in this life.

But just.

By word. You can express your feeling, your sadness, your happiness.

By word. You may can express your dissappointment. But who will bother on that? No one. No one Leya. Hahaha!

How ironic the life is? You may being happy but then you will in despair, holding a broken piece of heart. Heart of yours. So pathetic indeed.

I don't know when all this will end. But what I know is, I will just hold it as long as I could. People might don't care, but I don't care too in how they think of me. To be frank, I don't give a f*ck on that.

I am always myself. That is me. Period!

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