Monday, September 14, 2015

Heartbroken Heartbreaker

For god sake, women truly a weird creature. Sometime she can be creepy too. Haha.

When woman in FBI mode, no police or CSI can beat them. Haihhh.

Why la my fingers, my mind cannot stay quiet? Don't try to do sometime that might hurt yourself. Haihhh. Too much kind, too much care may lead to disappointment feeling. Today so suck. Too much truth and too much exposed secret that I had knew. Do I need to fall back? Haha. Laugh and laugh. And I just can do that only. Smiling like nothing happened.

Haihh that why women is creepy creature.

They can be nice, they can be evil. Damn kahkahkah. How I wish to turn back the time. So that I wouldn't be like this. So useless indeed. I need to calm myself. Be the best of me. Can't do much as this is my fault indeed. Eventually this thing will be happen soon.

Might ~~~ soon. Coming soon perhaps.

The naive, stupid girl was gone now

*The Heartbroken Heart breaker*

Smile like nothing happened! :)

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