Thursday, November 26, 2015


No one can see your tears

Flowing down your cheek in the rain.

No one can understand the pain, you have gnawing on the inside

If you smile just like before.

No one can see your broken heart,

They cannot see that you are in pieces.

You are hiding it well.

Going out when it rains.

Smiling fake smiles.

With your mouth.

That never reaching your eyes.

Talking. Laughing. Fake. Fake. Fake.

You do wonder if there actually exist people out there,

People who can mend broken things as delicate as someone’s heart.

Maybe not.

Maybe not now.

Maybe someday.

Maybe never.


In the meantime,

you keep smiling and laughing and crying in the rain.

Celtic-Poetry, Rain (via wnq-writers)

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