Thursday, November 12, 2015

Learn to Let It Go

No one wants to give-up on someone they love, such as a relative, friend or lover.

But, sometimes we are forced to make hard decisions by extraordinary suffering.

It’s easy to judge, or say, “never give-up,” until you have been there.

Eventually, you begin to realize that life is too short and your powers to teach, influence or heal are limited.

You finally accept that their emptiness, pain and dysfunction requires more than you have to give.

You can’t hand your whole life and soul to someone who doesn’t even care about their own.

Letting go is an excruciating heartbreak; mourning the death of what once was.

If you did let someone go, and you still have guilt, it’s time to forgive yourself and begin to heal.

If it is time to let someone go, for their sake, or for yours, then this may be your confirmation.

Bryant McGill

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