Friday, November 2, 2018

Solo Trip : Checklist, Tips and Trick

So yeah, I just done my first solo to Medan on 07/10/2018 until 11/10/2018, in total 5 days 4 nights. Before proceeding my experience at Medan, let see what the checklist I had done, to make my travel trip went smoothly without any problems. (Thanks God huhu)

First of all, we go for checklist which its important for us to bring it to make our travel trip become smooth.


Yeahhhh, the most important part guys. Passport. We need to have passport in order for us to go outside from your own country. Since I went to Medan, there is no need a VISA for that. I will share the procedure of VISA once I got the experience. LOL. Please make sure your passport validity is more than 6 months from the date you will going to fly. If not, please renew your passport so that there will no problem at all for you to fly. If at Malaysia, the charge for doing passport is RM 200 (validity for 5 years). Not to forget, please do check your education loan aka PTPTN before flying. Huhu

Travel Plug/Adapter

Another important thing to bring along. Every countries has their own way for applying electricity socket. in order to use the plug without any problem, you need to bring travel plug/adapter for you to connect with all necessary electronic devices. Luckily, I don't have to buy since I got it as my door gift from my previous employment.


Besides than using your phone camera to capture the picture, you may bring camera to capture the beautiful moment. At Medan, I was using Action Camera, not really well known brand but I do satisfied with its quality of pictures and videos (Will share on next post)


Being a traveller, especially solo traveller you must be excited to explore new things and new places. It makes you blend with nature and local peoples. But sometimes, you need your pace right? Lol, so the earphone much needed for that. So prepare the earphone for your own usage.


Yes. At first I don't think its necessary for me to bring raincoat, but yeah I do provide it for any circumstances. Before going for travelling, its advisable to check the weather and prepare necessary things. Since my solo trip was going to Medan, and luckily I did bring the raincoat. At Berastagi and Medan, its raining. Not too heavy but it is raining, and this raincoat had helped me. 

Water Bottle

Please prepare small bottle for you to fill water. You don't have to spend every mineral water. 

Wet Tissue

Its much better than normal tissue if you asked me. Huhu. Yeah just in case. There are a lot of things can do by using wet tissue, especially women. Lol

Pen/Journal Book

I do prepare a pen and book for me to record my activities while sight seeing or I must say, during travelling. More over, some places need your arrival form. So you don't have to wait to use other people's pen instead of that you can use yours


Lol. Definitely needed especially on sunny day. Why not?


1 of most important things that you need to have in your bag while travelling. I had prepared nasal filter, some ointments, motion sickness pills, bedbug cream and flu pills (as when I was there, I got flu)

USB Wire

I am pretty sure some of us having more than 2 USB wires. We have for phone, cameras and so on. So I did used my old glasses case to put it all into 1 place. Easy huh? I don't have to put this and there. Make it simple by putting all into 1 case. 


All these was my checklist when I was on my trip. There will vary for some other travellers. Mix match all the checklist to get what you need to do. Besides knowing what to bring and all, there are also some tips that you need to understand, especially for women solo travellers. I would like to share with you some tips for solo travelling

1)   Make sure your phone always ON. Prepare powerbank for emergency usage if you can't find any available plug to plug in your phone. Make sure the line is okay, or prepaid inside your phone can be use. Stay anywhere which safer for you, if your phone dead, and start moving once everything is okay.

2)   Don't asked direction from stranger. The best way to ask are police (if there is police there), shop lot owners (because they can't follow you if they have bad intention on you, and a group of friends/families.

3)   Try not to attract any attentions. Remember you are at other countries not yours. Stay low-key and don't be so fancy (wearing any jewellery can attract thieves)

4)   What happened if you had been attacked by someone? Don't scream, keep calm and try to call the police.

4)   For those who travelling to western country, I got some tips from blog that please avoid to speak English. Maybe for safety purpose I guess. 

5)   Don't forget to bring passport with you, even you are only want to go nearby.

6)   Especially for women travellers, avoid to use handbags. Please use sling bag and make sure to put in front of your chest for safety purpose

7)   If you are notice that you are been followed by someone/strangers, don't straight away go back to hostel/hotel/places that you wanna go. Stop for awhile at any shop and waiting until its safe to move.

8)   Be careful with hotel/hostel peoples. They more likely can rob you compare to outsiders

9)   Don't play too much with your phone. Be alert.

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