Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Miss you, but won't chase again

She misses you, but she won't chase you.

For the longest time, she did her best to make you happy.

For the longest time, she's done everything she could to show you, she deserve you.

But finally, she can't find it in herself to make an effort anymore.

She can't find it in herself to care as much anymore.

She can't find it herself to fight for you anymore.

Every mistake you've made has finally caught up to her.

Every flaw you carry has finally convinced her that you're not good for her.

Every heartbreak you put her through has finally pushed her far enough to not want to come back anymore.

Don't expect her to come running back to you like she always has.

Don't expect her to give in to her feelings for you like she always did in the past.

Don't expect her to settle for getting hurt over you like she always does all of this time.

For sure it's going to be hard to be alone, but she's rather be alone than to be with someone who makes her feel like she'd rather be alone.

For sure it's going to hurt to move on, but she'd rather to be hurt moving on than be hurt by someone who doesn't appreciate her presence.

Sure, it's going to be a challenge to love someone again, but she'd rather love someone again once she's ready than to love someone who takes her love granted

Credited to : Truth Slap

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