Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Be Silent

Be silent when the tide goes again you,

Be silent when people's words become swords,

Be silent when the tree of your life just isn't bearing fruit,

Be silent when your feeling and emotions start getting to you,

Be silent when other person just doesn't understand,

Be silent when life throws hurdles like raindrops on you,

Be silent the taste in your mouth is bitter with betrayal,

Be silent when jealousy creeps into your mind,

Be silent when your anger is on the verge of erupting,

Just keep your head down and work,

Just keep your ears shut and listen to the millions of voices inside your head,

Be blind to other people's hatred,

Because that day, your silence will be your strength,

Your results will be answer,

One day, the tree of your life will bear fruit,

Other people won't matter,

And the sweet taste of happiness will linger on in you,

Stay low. Speak out, when necessary.

Because at the end of the day,

Some people won't understand the depth between the 26 letters of the alphabet,

But it'll be a slap in their face,

When you glow with happiness,

Moreover, you'll realize that there is much more to life,

That just speaking randomly.

It's the power of listening,

Don't let them destroy you,

Cause stardust runs in your veins

And stars didn't just blow up,

To see you waste it all.

Make the stars proud.

Be silent and unbeatable

Credited to : Poem Porn @ IG

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