Friday, November 24, 2017

6 Ingredients of Good Friendships

1) Genuineness
    Friends "like" each other.
    There should be nothing fake about friendship. These healthy relationaships are rooted in love, the bonds of which are trustworthy

2) Non judgemental
    Friends love you just as you are!
   Always supportive, a friend's business is not to critize you, tell you what to do it, instead friends believe in each other, and have no hidden agendas

3) Loyalty
    Friends will always have your back!
   Loyalty solidifies such relationships. Rarely is there back-biting, gossiping, and spitefulness; true friends never gloat over your mistakes or snicker when you fall

4) Mutual respect
    It's all about respecting and appreaciating all the differences in character, personality, career paths, etc... and never wishing the other person was different. Most importantly, "changing" or "fixing" the other should never be on the agenda. A friend respects your thought even when they do not agree; and never thinks he/she is superior.

5) Open communication
    Talk to me about everything!
    Friends know how to listen and not make it all about "me". You can afford to let your guard down around friends and simply be yourself.

6) Forgive and forget
    I still love you....
    Friends sometimes make mistakes and even when they let us down, we are still able to forgive and wipe the slate clean... Knowing that the intention was not really to cause pain.

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