Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dear girl who's waiting to hear back from him

Dear girl who's waiting to hear back from him,

Don't wait up any longer.

If he wanted to talk to you, he would have by now.

If he can post things on Snapchat and Instagram, he also could have texted you in between that,

But he didn't because he's not planning to.

Even after he comes back home from going out with his friends, all you're gonna see is him liking or commenting on another girl's status while your text remain unanswered.

But yet you're still waiting. Why? Why wait for a guy who isn't coming?

Why wait for a guy who told you "Fine, just go" when you told him you were leaving and he didn't fight for you to stay?

Why wait for a guy who doesn't know what he wants, but all of a sudden acts like he cares when he sees you talking to another guy?

Why wait for a guy who emotionally shuts you out completely every time you try to get your feelings across to him?

Why wait for a guy who would rather entertain all of these irrelevant girls than to pay attention to the one girl who should matter?

Why wait for a guy who didn't end up wanting you, and yet, you're the one who feels like you lost him?

Why are you doing this to yourself? He's out there living his life while you've been in bed waiting to hear from him, but instead you're watching him be happy while you're miserable?

If he can't see that you're the girl he should be putting his efforts into, then that;s his loss and that's your gain because you don't need a guy like him.

A guy like him isn't worth the wait.

So stop waiting, because you've been waiting for nothing and you've wasted enough time on him.

Stop letting him break your hear and more importantly, stop breaking your own heart


A guy who cares

Words by : Tony 'Teddie' Nguyen

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