Thursday, March 17, 2016

Learn to Suffer

You have learned to suffer silently.

The words ‘I’m fine’ tumble from your mouth sounding more like ‘I’m sorry’ 

And the smile on your face says that you’re trying to convince everyone else that you’re okay but your heart and mind beg to differ.

You try to make happiness out of pain, if not for yourself then for the ones who come across you and it doesn’t help that no one has ever told you that it’s okay to hurt; 

No one has ever told you that it’s okay to talk about the darkness in your head; no one has ever told you that it’s okay to make room for yourself, 

So you go on being quiet because that’s what’s always made sense but let me be the first to tell you that you matter.

I know that sometimes your heart feels less like an organ and more like an reckless beast deserving of a cage stronger than your ribs but I’m telling you, you matter.

You were not made to destroy yourself for others.”

—Maxwell Diawuoh, Once A Day

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