Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bad new - My brother's Accident

Yesterday was historic day for our family. About 3 PM, my mother had received a call from In-Charge person for my brother, Farhan Azmil. My brother is an army which been located at Sri Kinabatangan. He had involved an accident! At Telupid, Sabah.

What a heart breaking news. My mother was the first one received the news. Can you imagine a mother received that kind of new about her children? Some more stay far from us. Kedah to Sabah is not really a short trip that we can go just like that. We need to go there by flight. And ticket price. Oh my god. it's truly expensive. Haih

Until night time then, I had received full report from their in-charge. My brother had broken his nose, and some part of face and head got big swollen. Ouchh. And fractured jaw too. Ouch and ouch. Haihh. But thank you Allah, because You had protected him there, while we are here. So far from him.

Really hope for the best. May Allah ease everything. I need to be strong for my mother. Ganbatte Leya!!

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