Thursday, December 17, 2015

Self confidence

Stop focusing on all the negatives about yourself. Being "beautiful" isn't defined by one aspect okay

No one loves everything about themselves. We're all flaw-filled human beings.

There has to be one thing you like about yourself and focus on that.

If you really don't like something about your body, your face, then do something about it.

Don't sit there and mope. That isn't going to do anything.

If you think you need to lose weight, lose weight in a healthy way.

If you don't like your hair, go try a new hairstyle

Stop comparing yourself to other people.

You hate it when your parents compare you to other kids right?

So why are you doing the same thing to yourself?

You may like some features in one person and wish you had the same features but that person may be wishing they had some of your features.

Look at yourself as one individual.

Credit to :

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