Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Alang Kenari Chalet, Yan, Kedah Darul Aman

So, I just finished my holiday. For Prophet's day and Christmas. Got 4 days off make me....

Err what the fuck I need to do then.

On last Wednesday, I went to Puncak Mutiara, Kampung Pelet. We had made surprise birthday there.

All these planned by my friend for her boyfriend which also my friend too.

We had a good time there with a good food. Unfortunately, I forgot to snap the food. Hahaha.

Done that part, on Thurday, 24/12/2015. I felt so fucking bored. Go nowhere.

Just sleeping and chatting via social network until I had made decision to go this place.

Alang Kenari Chalet. At first, I wanted to go Salak Denai, which this place had been viral recently.

But so damn, this place had fully booked until 3rd of January. Uwawawaawa.

Well, at last, I had chose Alang Kenari as my destination.

Me hahhaa

My bro. He's so happy been here. Haha

This place so fantastic. Again, I had forgot to snap the place. Excited maybe. Haha. 

Soon will update once I took the pictures from my sister. This place is so nice.

You can come with your family or friends. This place can also do for BBQ. Got place for cook.

I am definitely will come here again. To repeat the moment haha.

So for the admission fee, you just pay RM7 for adult and RM5 for children. Quite affordable. 

If you ask me la. Hahaha so what you waiting for? Go for it la wei. Hahahaha

My mum's face look so exciting haha


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