Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ramadhan Al Kareem

Not too late if I wanted to wish to all Muslim, Happy Ramadhan Al Kareem.

Day by day, and we are now going to 8th of Ramadhan. And really, Allah SWT really care about me.

He had shown me what if I still staying at the same stage and yeah, I know He want me to change.

Change for good.

Sometimes, in order to be happy, we will hurt so badly so that we will appreciate what is love?

What is happiness?

And yeah, I guess I can say that I had learnt so much until I am clearly need to knock my head.

And today, 23/05/2018, I am physically, mentally and emotionally ready to enter,

To enter new phase in my life.

I'm ready to grow more and get even better than before

I know I am deserve to genuinely happy. Even I am happy with myself

Keep love yourself, Leya. And God will do a really good favour to someone who always keep trying

All I need is to keep strong and to keep calm. Let them with their dramas.

- Leya
23052018 , 11:05 PM
Penang, Malaysia

Monday, May 14, 2018

Little Heart

Kinda heart broken when we expect much to someone,

But that someone turn to someone that we never expect them to be.

I should know who is he actually. What kind of human he is?

But yet I still looking at him for someone good for me

I still didn't realize that I am deserve better and its eat me out

I am being so good person to wrong person, and its time for me to stop all at once.

I just want genuinely happy. Even though I thought be with him, is the happiest moment

Be with him is the best I ever had, without realizing I was too far drowning 

Drowning into the sea of despair. The more I want to be with him, the more I am getting hurt

Being a good person doesn't mean you have to put up with other people's crap

Keep loving yourself and be happy!