Thursday, May 5, 2016


There will be days when your memories come knocking,

Even gravity won't keep your tears down,

Even the planets will spin a little more with a little more sadness,

And even I will feel your pain through your silence.

There will be days when no one will answer your calls, by don't worry,

I'm only one call away.

Even if the lovers all fail to exceed your expectations,

And if your best friends are all busy and if family doesn't respond,

You will have a poet.

There will be nights, when you've surrendered to your fears and the poems come crawling back into your veins and bruised knuckles.

There will be Decembers that kill us more than they've done in the past.

And I'll be there. I''ll breathe with you. I'll cry with you.

because there will be days when it'll be okay and we'll be fine and we won't have to fake a smile and we won't have to believe in anything because it's real.

There will be days and there will be nights,

But no matter how many days come between your sorrows and your happiness

I'll be here.

Because even on those days, it's just another chance to be a little bit more just for you

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