Monday, May 23, 2016

You’ll Remember Me As The Girl Who Loved Too Much

When you left, I blamed myself that I didn't make you change your mind.
I felt bad because I was not the "game changer" or the girl who made you better

But as time went by, I realized something :
It's not my fault. None of it was my fault.

Why did I blame myself, when in reality I loved someone so much. I forgot that I was special too.
Why did I cry over someone who gave up on me, when really it's not my loss that he no longer has the girl who loved him far too much.

Right now, I know you won't mind that I am gone, but one day, maybe after 10 years, you will look back and think of all the girls that you have loved and have loved you and you will remember me as the girl who loved too much.

But by then, I'll be long gone.

I was the girl who did things she never thought she would out of love just to see you smile, just to see you happy.
I was a girl who was full of surprises, the girl who was always there for you, the girl who was willing to accept you for who you are through the good side and the bad side. The girl who got tired of you but never though of giving up. But you did.

You treated my love for you like a poison, like a rope that was strangling you. And I still don't understand how loving someone so much can poison a person.

How was leaving greater than the love you have for me? How is it that you only saw my love for you like that?
But then I remember it's not my loss that I loved you more. And in ten years, will it even matter to me? One day, I will be glad that you left because it has given me someone who is content with my love, thankful for my love and loves me, too.

Someone who won't make me feel like I am not enough because I am enough, you just didn't see that.

Someone who will teach me how I can love someone still, but even more importantly, love myself.

Someone who will finally put me first.

Something greater and better is coming. I don't have to rush and find that person immediately like you did. I'm picking up the pieces that you broke.

The girl who loved too much was left, but now she's healing. And she will be reborn.

Credited : Kylie Chua

Monday, May 16, 2016


The next time you see me on the streets,

You will see a speck of sunshine behind the smile on my face.

You will wave to me, and I will wave back, only to settle down together for a cup of mocha.

Then you will see some old cracks. some old scars from forgotten battles.

But you will also see, they are fully healed.

You can hear some old memories dragging themselves around in my head.

But you will no longer see sadness and weariness in my eyes.

And you will ask, "What changed you?"

With a smile, I will answer, "You".

- Lukas W. // New love on the street

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

That Girl

She's the girl that believes, what comes around goes around

The one that hopes for a better day.

The one that won't give up on you.

She's the girl that's unlike the rest.

The one that looks so damn strong, but feels so weak.

She's the girl that picks herself up every time she falls.

Via : Poem Porn

Thursday, May 5, 2016


There will be days when your memories come knocking,

Even gravity won't keep your tears down,

Even the planets will spin a little more with a little more sadness,

And even I will feel your pain through your silence.

There will be days when no one will answer your calls, by don't worry,

I'm only one call away.

Even if the lovers all fail to exceed your expectations,

And if your best friends are all busy and if family doesn't respond,

You will have a poet.

There will be nights, when you've surrendered to your fears and the poems come crawling back into your veins and bruised knuckles.

There will be Decembers that kill us more than they've done in the past.

And I'll be there. I''ll breathe with you. I'll cry with you.

because there will be days when it'll be okay and we'll be fine and we won't have to fake a smile and we won't have to believe in anything because it's real.

There will be days and there will be nights,

But no matter how many days come between your sorrows and your happiness

I'll be here.

Because even on those days, it's just another chance to be a little bit more just for you